News 2013
Looking ahead, with the results of our September 2013 soil sampling program in hand, we are very excited with the results. At our Ranch claims, from the Patti zone to the BV pit wall assay results provided between 2 and 8.5 ounces per ton. Of particular interest to us is the 8.5 ounces per ton over a 60 centimeter length sampled by Bob Lane and Barney Bowen. Given the history we assembled on exploration and exploitation of the BV pit in 1992 by contractors for Cheni Gold Mines Ltd., the prospects for this revelation are, to be frank, extraordinary. Our investigations revealed that: 1. Cheni was in the process of closing down its operations in 1992; 2. Cheni asked its contractors to get what the could from all of the optioned ground they could work within the economic vicinity of their mill located at the Lawyers property; 3. Cheni had optioned the Ranch/Al claims; 4. The BV showing was identified but instructions were clear that only what could be mined by open pit would be recovered. Some 30,000 tons were taken and the BV Pit was left; 5. The steep east wall of the pit exposed the approximately 50 x 20 foot BV vein dipping down into the earth; overburden stopped any further open pit mining and no effort was made to explore or conduct underground mining. 6. We plan to do further analysis of the showing, when fiscally capable, conduct geophysics and targeted drilling at BV.