Updated claim maps Dome Mountain
The Company awaits mining to commence at Dome. An NSR granted to the company when it sold certain claims to Gavin Mines, acquired by Blue Lagoon Resources will be applied to production once mining operations enter the vein extensions on claims to which the NSR applies. The Company also owns mineral claims surrounding the Dome mine, including those acquired in 2022 creating a full land package around the Dome mine. 2022 exploration by BLLG discovered larger richer vein systems which will impact Guardsmen’s land package and NSR eventually. The fact that Blue Lagoon Resources has acquired Gavin Mines provides encouragement that the mine can be brought into production. Nicola Mining’s mill is awaiting production of ore for processing at its Merritt Mill. Please view both the Blue Lagoon and Nicola Mining websites for information. Mapping of the specifics of Guardsmen’s interests can be had by request by contacting us.