The Ranch/AL
As a result of the transfer of Ranch to Thesis Gold Inc., you are advised to proceed to the Thesis Gold Inc. website for any current information regarding Ranch exploration and development and view the information on this page as of historical information only and not to be relied upon. During August 2020 the Company entered into an agreement with Thesis Gold Inc. whereby, the Ranch claims were, effective October 30 2020 transferred,consideration for which the Company obtains a significant share position in the pubco, cash and a 2% NSR on the transferred claims.
May 2012 saw Barney Bowen's comprehensive 43 101 report on the Ranch/Al claims delivered to the company. Barney conducted an extensive first pass historical review of the extensive database assembled by the company. He was particularly impressed by the 19 gold mineral occurrences that dot the Ranch/Al claims. The geophysical correlation of anomalous zones to all historical drilling taken in conjunction with high mag anomalies led him to provide drill targeting for both the Bonanza look-a-like zones discovered by the work done by SJ Geophysics in 2008 as well as potential deeper porphyry targets associated with the mag highs.
Fact Sheet 2013 (PDF 2MB)
The Ranch - 43-101 Report (PDF 3MB)
The Ranch - Regional Geology & Mineral Deposits - (PDF 1.5MB)
The Ranch - Mineral Deposits and Prospects (PDF 1.5MB)
The Ranch - Property Geology & Minfile Occurrences (PDF 1MB)
Toodoggone/Kemess - Mineral Tenure (PDF 1.5MB)